Interface ClassifierEquivalenceAxiom

All Superinterfaces:
Axiom, Element, org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject, org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.Notifier
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ClassifierEquivalenceAxiom extends Axiom
A representation of the model object 'Classifier Equivalence Axiom'. ClassifierEquivalenceAxiom is an [=Axiom=] specified on a subject [=Classifier=] that states that it is equivalent to the intersection of [=Classifiers=] and/or [=PropertyRestrictionAxioms=]. This axiom implies that the [=classifiers=] are super types of the subject classifier. It also implies that when an instance is classified by this intersection, then it follows that it is also classified by the subject classifier. Conversely, when an instance is classified by the subject classifier, then it follows that it is also classified by the intersection. In other words, this axiom enables bi-directional (or two-way) inferencing.

The following features are supported:

See Also:
annotation=" heading='Axioms'"